Adidas seem to have mastered the art of casual shoe design. Adidas Gazelle will definitely remain an iconic design for many years to come.
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Adidas seem to have mastered the art of casual shoe design. Adidas Gazelle will definitely remain an iconic design for many years to come. The attractive sneaker has continued to impress wearers, with many openly confessing that they are the hottest sneakers ever released by Adidas. The stylish shoe has a leather upper, although they also have a suede version. The leather covers most of the upper, while some textiles are also used, especially on the side panels, where you also easily spot the trademark Adidas three stripes.
Beside the strips the name Gazelle has been embedded. The back heel panel is white and contains a beautiful Adidas logo. The tongue is white and also has the Adidas logo near the tip. The shoe laces are white. The outersole is a strong yet light rubber that gives the shoe its durability feature. The brand name Adidas is imprinted in the inner sole, while the walls are heavily cushioned to give the feet the much needed comfort. If you are the kind who like light sneakers, then look no further than Adidas Gazelle. The shoe takes good care of the needs of sports fans who need light wear for training or outdoor sporting events.
While shoe trends have emerged and faded out, Adidas Gazelle has continued to reign supreme in sport shoe circles. The sleek sneakerlooks particularly elegant when worn with jeans trousers for weekend activities. Adidas Gazelle is a simple yet classic design that brought about a new revolution in footwear design. Coming in many different colors, the design gives you a perfect chance to pick out your favorite colourway. Adidas Gazelle remains the most cost friendly design in the shoe market today. If you are planning to purchase a casual pair any time soon, you can�t go wrong in Adidas Gazelle.
Beside the strips the name Gazelle has been embedded. The back heel panel is white and contains a beautiful Adidas logo. The tongue is white and also has the Adidas logo near the tip. The shoe laces are white. The outersole is a strong yet light rubber that gives the shoe its durability feature. The brand name Adidas is imprinted in the inner sole, while the walls are heavily cushioned to give the feet the much needed comfort. If you are the kind who like light sneakers, then look no further than Adidas Gazelle. The shoe takes good care of the needs of sports fans who need light wear for training or outdoor sporting events.
While shoe trends have emerged and faded out, Adidas Gazelle has continued to reign supreme in sport shoe circles. The sleek sneakerlooks particularly elegant when worn with jeans trousers for weekend activities. Adidas Gazelle is a simple yet classic design that brought about a new revolution in footwear design. Coming in many different colors, the design gives you a perfect chance to pick out your favorite colourway. Adidas Gazelle remains the most cost friendly design in the shoe market today. If you are planning to purchase a casual pair any time soon, you can�t go wrong in Adidas Gazelle.